Well, maybe I could write about getting back on track, and the importance of not missing a habit two days in a row. Oh, already wrote about them. Maybe I could talk about why it requires more effort to get back into a habit rather than just maintaining it. I feel like I’ve already covered that though as well.
Shit. This post is going to be likened to that of a teenage girl on Tumblr going through her monthly mood swings. Great. Just what I needed, another one of those blog posts. Well, five minutes later I’m already over 150 words into this sucker.
Maybe this’ll be the worst blog post I’ve ever written. I actually like that. World’s worst blog post. I think that’ll be a catchy headline. Not what I wanted to be known for, but it’s better to be infamous than unknown I guess.
That gets me thinking though. Maybe I do have an idea here. I sucked so much shit these last 200 words maybe I can make a point now.
Hey you, yeah you listen to me. Haha, as I type this I’m thinking of Scorpion from Mortal Kombat. Hey you, yes you, GET OVERR HEREEE!
Joking aside though, what has this blog post made you think of me? I’m an idiot with ADD. Or ADHD. I don’t know the difference. The point is you probably think I’m stupid if you’re still reading this. That’s ok because 90% of people who opened this blog post have already stopped reading because they thought it was so bad.
That’s all goooood though. I knew this post was going to suck. I took some time off this weekend, went through a major funk, and felt like a zombie coming into today. That’s no excuse not to produce though.
Seriously. People think you need to polish every last word, and use a thesaurus to put down your thoughts as delicately as possible. Wrong. Write fast, produce often, and expose yourself to lots of ideas.
Look at Seth Godin. His blog posts take him less than 15 minutes each day but he’s consistent, and because of that he’s become better at infusing more information in fewer words than anyone else.
Look at Elliott Hulse. Is he the biggest bodybuilder on Youtube? Nope. Is he the greatest philosopher? Ehh… he’s good but not that good. What did he do though? Set up his camera and talked into it everyday.
Probably the best example of a massive willingness to fail is Lil Wayne. I’m not a big fan, and I feel like my intelligence quickly drops when I’m forced to listen to his music, but his strategy for success is money.
Guest star on every track possible, and you’ll become a household name simply because you’re everywhere. It’s a strategy applicable to many fields, but it brings forth an even more useful idea.
The willingness to fail. If you think about Seth Godin, or Elliott Hulse, or Lil Wayne how good were they at their crafts in the beginning? I can’t speak for Lil Wayne as I avoid his music as if it’s the plague, but Seth Godin and Elliott Hulse sucked shit.
However, with each blog post Seth wrote he got a little bit better at expressing more in fewer words. With each video he recorded Elliott Hulse refined his ideas a little more, and became more grounded as well.
Many people would simply point to talent as the roots of their success. That’s completely inaccurate, but to each their own. If that’s what they want to believe let them.
In truth, however, everybody sucks shit in the beginning. You may be 10% better than me, or I may be a little better than you, but by definition we as novices suck.
So how do we become better, and improve to what we’re capable of being? Consistency. It’s the power of everyday baby. Writing that blog post everyday. Writing that guest verse everyday. Recording that video… everyday.
The reason successful people are successful is rarely because of talent. More often than not it’s simply because they were willing to fail more often than you. Yeah I know. Woo wooo. Crazy.
There’s a lot of power in doing something everyday. It’s the quickest road to success.
As a general rule consider this in any pursuit. The people with the most success are those who were least afraid to fail.
The distance between you and the person you want to be lies in the number of times you’re willing to consciously/intelligently fail. If you consciously fail for 800 days in a row you could be more or less as good of a juggler as me.
If you’re willing to write 5000 blog posts you could be as good of a writer as Seth Godin. Make 2,500 videos and you’ll be the next Elliott Hulse. Do it, and there’s no reason you can’t.
This post sucks. At least the first half did. Maybe I’ll delete it later, maybe I’ll leave it up as a means of saying it’s ok to fail..Who knows? Who cares?
Are you going to judge me for having a crappy first couple paragraphs? Are you going to petition against me? Probably not. Worst case you’ll unsubscribe, and I’ll probably get another subscriber from this post to even things out anyway.
The point is this, I’m failing on a massive scale with this blog post. I’m rambling on and on, and on. It’s my worst blog post technically speaking, ever. Look at the grammar here.
Even failing on a massive scale just doesn’t matter though. My skills will improve from writing this and that’s all that matters.
Realize that if you’re afraid to fail in whatever it is you need to be failing in your problem is that your RAS is focused on the negatives. What will he think? What will she say?
You’ve got to focus on the positives. My skill’s going to improve so much! I’m taking action towards my dreams!
Think like that, and taking action will still require the exertion of effort, but things will just naturally begin to flow. I’ll probably have to go back and edit a LOOT of this post, but I’ve now typed over 1,100 words in less than 20 minutes.
Maybe you’ll hit and miss. In fact, during the development of your skill you’ll probably fail much more than you succeed. The willingness to fail, however, is what will gradually develop you as a person and raise the percentage of time you’re able to succeed.
Nothing is more valuable than that.
This was an experimental type of post. Free flow thinking and writing as quick as humanely possible. No trying to sugar coat things. Simply transferring my state of consciousness to the paper, and having less concern for structure and mechanics. Very different than my other posts. Hope you enjoyed.
(Picture is from Arkansas April 2010)
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