The Immersion Ideal

It’s been a week since my last post so I guess it’s about time I write another one. Today’s topic is the idea of the immersion ideal, and how to most effectively develop new skills. I’ve embedded a video as I plan to dive into experimenting with video as a medium, but I’ve also written … [Read more…]

Don’t Ask For Permission, Know Where You’re Going

Something that’s repeatedly come up in my life lately is the importance of decisiveness, knowing your purpose, and broadcasting to the world that the ball’s in your court. I’ve listed three examples below, as I assume you’ll be able to relate to at least one of the stories. Story One I was bench pressing earlier … [Read more…]

Dark Times: When The World Comes Crashing Down On You

Yesterday was rough. I spent the majority of the day doing everything possible to satisfy my cravings for instant gratification and chemical highs. I ate comfort food, I watched stupid videos, did things I knew I would regret, and wasted the entire day pursuing anything that would give me a hit of dopamine and instant … [Read more…]

Stop Consuming, Start Creating

We’ve got another aggressive blog post today. Being somewhat related to yesterday’s topic of developing the courage to see the truth rather than endlessly searching for it, I’d like to talk about creating vs consuming. It’s an interesting topic. Think about all the people you look up to. Tony Robbins, Michael Jackson, Steve Jobs, whoever. … [Read more…]