[Update: As of April 2015 I no longer blog on SETT and have moved to WordPress]
I’ve developed some great relationships through SETT and want to use this post to share what some of the other bloggers on SETT are writing about. So without further ado, my top ten favorite SETT bloggers.
Sebastian Marshall is one of my favorite bloggers on any blogging platform. His purpose as a blogger is to, “Help you increase your resourcefulness, resources, and have more impact with the resources you’ve got.” I’ve been reading his blog for several months and his daily posts on strategy and history never fail to insprire me. Although I’m far from being passionate about history myself, Sebastian has a way of relating the past to the present in which I can’t help but share his excitement.
Austin K Wood runs an interesting blog on traveling. Aside from traveling the world as a minimalist, Austin is also a polyglot who’s currently making a living from teaching English in Moscow as well as through Skype. I really enjoy Austin’s blog because he’s not afraid of being different and he’s comfortable enough in his own shoes that he’s willing to try crazy things like polyphasic sleep.
Linus Rylander is a bad ass. He even wrote a book being one. 😉 Besides being an author Linus also runs a sweet blog. He’s written some brilliant posts on generating new ideas and motivation. He’s one of the most unique bloggers I’ve ever seen and I’d recommend him to anyone wanting a fresh perspective on personal development.
Toli of A Fixed Point hasn’t set a particular theme for his blog and instead writes about whatever he feels like writing. With that being said, he’s written some excellent posts on meditation and how to treat old friends who may not be up to the task of improving everyday.
Edwin of the late racoon (I’m shaking my head at the name too) doesn’t blog about the secret lives lived by nocturnal animals. Surprisingly, he writes high level philosophical posts that never fail to change the way I think about things. One post in particular that I feel the need to recommend is this one.
Emils Pakarklis is a 21 year old student from Lativia as well as an aspiring online entrepreneur who writes about, “Lifestyle, productivity and getting the most out of life.” Me and Emils share a similar outlook on traditional jobs and we both live with the mindset that despite it being against the “Status Quo”, being your own boss is far more rewarding than trying to climb the corporate ladder. One of my favorite articles from his site discusses conquering analysis paralysis and what makes the greats great.
In addition to being the founder of Fitocracy Richard Talens also runs a fitness blog. I really enjoy reading Richard’s blog because he speaks from experience. As you can see from the photo above he’s not one of those fitness gurus that just says you should do certain things. He’s lived the things he talks about and does a better job cutting through the bullshit of the fitness industry than almost anyone else.
Daniel R. Odio writes about technology and is also the SVP of Strategic Partnerships at ShareThis. I’d recommend Daniel’s blog to anyone who’s interested in technology, but even for those who aren’t, he’s got some personal development posts that are absolute gems. For example, this one.
Warren of Minimalift is another one of my favorite bloggers. Like Richard, his blog is focused on fitness, but Warren also writes about personal development. His posts rarely disappoint and he’s also one of the most responsive bloggers I’ve talked to. Warren’s always willing to help me with any problems I’m having and I really appreciate that. Be sure to check him out!
And finally, the man doing all the magic behind the scenes, Tynan. In addition to designing SETT, the platform I’m blogging on, Tynan’s also lived in Project Hollywood as a famous pickup artist, written three books, and even lived in an RV for the last several years. As of late he’s replaced Steve Pavlina as my favorite blogger and I’m astonished with how consistently he’s able to produce high quality content. If you’ve never read his work before, some great posts to get started with are Own Your Life, Who Are You Afraid Of?, and The Hustler’s MBA.
I wasn’t able to include all the SETT blogs I wanted so I tried to select those that were regularly updated and relevant to the field of personal development. I apologize if your blog wasn’t included. (Note: Photos in this post are not my property and they were used only for informational purposes. If you would like your photo taken down contact me and I’ll have it removed for you.)
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