Everybody and they mammas wants to be a digital nomad these days. If you haven’t yet heard of the term, a “digital nomad” is basically a person that uses the internet to create a career for themselves that allows them to live and work wherever (and potentially whenever) they’d like.
When you put it like that… it’s not hard to see why everybody is so interested in this non-conventional lifestyle. Reading Reddit digital nomad will help give you information that you’ll need to succeed as a digital nomad.
Even if you’re a digital nomad already though, it’ll still help teach you some tips and tricks (such as earning lots of credit card points or different ways to structure your business in order to save on taxes).
But… you’re a human. And I know human nature. You won’t do something unless you fully buy into it. If you’re already sold, you can skim down this post to the part titled, “Reddit Digital Nomad (r/digitalnomad)”
But, if you’re still not sold; let me spell out the advantages of working remotely and being a digital nomad a little bit more clearly for you.
5 Benefits of Being a Digital Nomad
The benefits digital nomads enjoy are basically endless. Here is a list of some of the things becoming a digital nomad will allow you to enjoy:
Freedom of Location
When you’re a digital nomad, you can generally work wherever you’d like. If you’d like to be in Pamplona for the annual Running of the Bulls, you CAN. Plus, you don’t need to ask anyone for permission.
As long as you schedule client calls wisely, and stay ahead of schedule on your deadlines, you can enjoy once-in-a-lifetime events without stressing about your boss being angry with you for taking time off.
Of course, this freedom of location doesn’t just apply for one-time events. It can also be used for general lifestyle design. If you thrive on sunshine for example, you can move to a city or country near the beach with lots of sunny days.
This freedom of location also applies on a more micro-level. If it’s snowy outside and you don’t feel like leaving the house, you don’t need to. OR… if you feel claustrophobic from being cooped up in the house a lot lately, you can head downtown to a coffee shop or coworking space.
Killing Your Commute
Having to deal with rush hour traffic in Chicago, Los Angeles or Toronto blows. Not only is it a waste of time driving to the office 1-2 hours each day, but it’s also stressful. When I lived in the US, I’d get neck cramps anytime I had to drive in heavy traffic or on a crowded freeway.
Fortunately, if you’re a digital nomad you don’t have to worry about stressful work commutes. You can choose to work somewhere closer to your home, commute during less heavily trafficked times, or even eliminate your commute altogether.
Off-Peak Hours
While there are exceptions, such as online English teachers and some web developers that always NEED to be online at the same time as their team, many digital nomads have the freedom to work at whatever time of day they’d like.
If this applies to you, you’ll be able to enjoy going to the gym when it’s not crowded. Yeah buddy! It’ll be the first time in years you’ll be able to enjoy having the squat rack all to yourself!
The same applies for going to restaurants. At restaurants, you can enjoy better service because the staff members aren’t stressed from being worked overly hard. Plus, you can often enjoy significant savings from eating out at off-peak hours.
Here’s an example just about everyone will appreciate… Not having to wait in long lines with annoying folks at the supermarket. There are countless other examples of off-peak hours I could mention (pools, happy-hours, etc.), but you get the idea.
Lower Cost of Living & Saving Opportunities
How many times have you seen a super cheap flight, but not been able to book it because of your work schedule? Or, maybe you had to pay expensive rates at a hotel because you only had time to take a vacation during a busy time of year.
Everybody can relate to these struggles. They are one of the hidden costs of having a job. Fortunately, these hidden costs of being an employee are mostly limited if you become a digital entrepreneur or find a remote-friendly company to work for.
There’s more…
Being a digital nomad will also give you countless opportunities to lower your cost of living. For example, as a digital nomad in Vietnam, I pay $15 for a 90-minute massage whereas you’re more likely to pay at least $100 if you’re living in the US.
The same applies for rent. Despite being only $250/month, my first apartment in Vietnam was quite nice. It was relatively spacious, located in one of the best neighborhoods in Saigon, and included a maid to clean and do my laundry 2-3 times per week.
Show me where you can find that in the developed world. You CAN’T.
Now, let’s be clear. I’m NOT saying you need to move to Vietnam if you become a digital nomad. What I am saying, however, is that being a digital nomad will let you move to somewhere with a lower cost of living.
Heck, you simply may move from Manhattan to a more affordable part of NYC. The point is that whether your new home base is in your home country, or you choose to expatriate and start a new life abroad, you can save a lot of money in the process.
More Compatible Dating Options
Are you an American girl that can’t resist a French accent? Go to France and indulge yourself. Are you a man that wants to find a wife that doesn’t know what Tinder is, and that would think it’s disgusting if you ever decided to tell her about it? They’re out there in the Eastern European and Asian countryside.
Dating abroad gives you the potential to find people that are more compatible with what you want in a partner. If the men in your country smoke and that’s a major turn-off for you, the digital nomad lifestyle has the potential to take you somewhere men don’t often indulge in that unhealthy habit.
A lot of the things that are wrong with the dating market in your country can sometimes be avoided, or at least minimized if you try dating in another country. Man or woman… I’ve never heard of someone not appreciating the passion Latin Americans bring can introduce into your romantic life 😉
While this list could stretch on and on, by now you’ve probably found a few reasons to be a digital nomad that vibe with you. Whether you’re sick of London’s high cost of living, or you simply want to work from home, I get it. Being a digital nomad has its appeal.
It’s totally doable. You just need the knowledge. But, where can you learn about being a digital nomad? Easy…
Reddit Digital Nomad (r/digitalnomad)
The Reddit digital nomad subreddit is a great place to learn about the ins and outs of being a digital nomad. While there are some trolls in this subreddit, the standard intelligence of posters in this subreddit is definitely above average.
Oh, and by the way… A subreddit is basically a forum on Reddit (r) that revolves around a specific topic. Here are some popular examples of subreddits: r/digitalnomad, r/financialindependence, r/funny, r/crazyideas… you get it by now.
The r/digitalnomad subreddit is one of the internet’s best resources on learning useful mindsets and tactics to become a successful digital nomad and sustain yourself for as long as you intend to maintain your non-conventional lifestyle.
While there are countless youtube videos on being a digital nomad, the content on Reddit Digital Nomad tends to be a bit deeper and more insightful than watching Youtube videos.
Interested? Of course you are. Let’s get you on the way to living a more interesting, more fulfilling lifestyle with…
Top 5 Reddit Digital Nomad Threads for New Visitors
If you’ve never read r/digitalnomad before, here are some EXCELLENT threads to get started with:
#1 List of Remote Job Boards
This thread will introduce you to a list of places you could search for jobs. Whether you are an online ESL teacher, a freelance writer, a web developer, or a cryptocurrency expert, there are countless opportunities here.
#2 So You Want to be a Digital Nomad?
This is one of THE BEST threads on r/digitalnomad. It provides a realistic perspective on if you actually will have what it takes to be a digital nomad. Hint: Just hating your entry-level job in the US, or Europe isn’t enough to move abroad and become a successful digital nomad.
#3 How to Succeed as a Digital Nomad
From the same author as, “So You Want to be a Digital Nomad,” this post gives you a framework for EXACTLY what you need to do to become a successful digital nomad. It also provides insights on how to avoid some of the long-term traps and pitfalls that accompany the digital nomad lifestyle.
#4 A Collection of My Favorite Remote Offices Over the Years
This thread is basically the definition of remote office porn. Check out the views this guy has had while making money as a developer over the years. While these are obviously Instagram-esque highlights, they could be a huge motivation for you to work hard and make your remote career successful!
#5 My Apartment in Bulgaria Costs $175. A Month.
Remember when I said being a digital nomad could save you a lot of money? This is what I was talking about. In this thread, you’ll be AMAZED at the value for your money you can often get while renting apartments abroad.
That’s it!
I hope you’ve enjoyed this post introducing you to the Reddit Digital Nomad subreddit. If you’re interested in more digital nomad content, be sure to wander around my site or read my post about being a digital nomad in Vietnam.
Or, if you want to dramatically BOOST your chance of succeeding as a digital nomad, set up your blog or freelance portfolio website today!