Input Equals Output

I had just finished juggling practice and was eating lunch at my grandma’s house. Amy’s Kitchens Organic Bean Burritos. Yum. My taste buds were in a heavenly state. I had been listening to music while I was juggling, but as I had taken my headphones out to talk with my grandmother I was blasted with … [Read more…]

Doubling Down

I was lifting weights, and before I had even finished my warmup, I quit. I wasn’t in pain and there was no logical reason for me to stop, but I did. I had just taken a few extra recovery days the week before so the problem wasn’t overtraining. I had slept well and eaten healthy … [Read more…]

5 Feeble Excuses

Excuses are lies we tell ourselves to justify why can’t do something.  We all make them at times, but as long as we continue to feed them, we block ourselves off from new experiences and growth. I don’t have time. One of the most common excuses people make is that they don’t have time.  That’s … [Read more…]

The First Hour

It’s almost 10:00 (a.m.) and I’ve yet to accomplish anything besides getting out of bed.  I feel lazy, uninspired, and unmotivated.  I’ve spent the whole day tweeting, emailing, and watching random Youtube videos.  Many people aren’t even awake yet, but I’m an early riser and on a typical day I’d have already completed 2-3 hours … [Read more…]

Providing Value

In my previous post College is Unnecessary I briefly touched on the topic of value, but I feel that going a bit more in depth on this topic may be helpful for many of you. What is Value? Value is something’s subjective level of usefulness.  In simpler terms, value is something that helps someone solve … [Read more…]

College is Unnecessary

At school today I was talking with some classmates about our plans for our future careers.  Almost all of them planned to go to a four year college and eventually become teachers, psychologists, physical therapists or some other fairly common job. A couple planned to get two year degrees and become nurses or dental assistants, … [Read more…]

Loving Work

When I was younger, I hated work.  It didn’t matter what kind of work it was, I always found a way to avoid doing anything that required a significant amount of effort.  On the rare occasions I did work I never did any more than the absolute minimum that was required of me. This is … [Read more…]

Escaping From Reality

As a child, I remember always looking forward to the cartoon marathons on Saturday mornings.   No matter how bad my week had been, I knew that when Saturday morning came around I could escape.   On Saturday mornings I could get away from all the stress and problems from my life, if only for … [Read more…]

Adjusting Your Runs

The key to offensive success in soccer is off-ball movement.  Making offensive runs off the ball is what opens up space to exploit the defense.  No team will ever be successful at a high level of soccer if the whole team just watches the player with the ball. After a particularly rough game last season, … [Read more…]

The First Step

“Ready, fire, aim is superior to ready, aim, aim, aim.” ~Steve Pavlina When I first became interested in personal development I used to read personal development material for hours every single day.  I used to watch motivational video, after motivational motivational video.  I used to plan all the steps I needed to take to reach … [Read more…]