Small Decisions Produce Large Results

The Butterfly Effect If you’ve ever been a fan of sci-fi movies you’ve no doubt heard about the butterfly effect. In essence, the butterfly effect states that time travelers need to be extremely cautious as the killing of even a single butterfly could have massive implications on present day. Of course time travel isn’t yet … [Read more…]

Time To Get Serious

I remember playing video games with my friends when I was little. Back then my entire life revolved around video games, and because of the sheer number of hours I’d put into them I always ended up beating my friends. To make things more fair I’d often handicap myself against them. When we played Fifa … [Read more…]

The Power Of Personal Standards (Must Vs. Should)

There’s a lot of things you should be doing right now. Exercising, preparing healthy food, catching up on sleep, meditating, checking your email, etc. We live in a busy culture, and if you’re not moving you’re probably getting left behind. That’s we’re told. People go, and go, and go. Constantly stimulated because they need to … [Read more…]

Wish You Could Be Successful? Shut The Fu#% Up!

I’ve got a crazy idea for you today. Consider with an open mind, that in life, everyone gets exactly what they want. Obviously you could pick this argument apart pretty easily by pointing out people who were born into a country in the midst of a violent civil war, or children who are being neglected, … [Read more…]

Plant Seeds And Pull The Weeds

Stagnation doesn’t exist in life. You’re either moving up quickly, making steady progress, slowly regressing, or quickly falling apart. Most people are slowly going down. They’re working the same job year after year on auto-pilot. They don’t challenge themselves, and they’ve stopped trying to improve. Why? Because they can’t. Think of a human being as … [Read more…]

Long Term Motivation (What Keeps Me Writing And Recording)

This month is the one year anniversary of It’s crazy to think I’ve only been writing for a year. Since last February I’ve written over 150 posts, and recorded more than 30 videos for the blog. There’s been tons of highs, and looking back, surprisingly few lows. I’ve undergone a lot of self-introspection this … [Read more…]

Thoughts On Letting Go Of Veganism

About a month ago I decided to experiment with eating meat again. Since then I’ve dreaded writing this post. However, many people consult with me on dietary advice so I guess it’s about time I write it. Before anything else though I want to make something clear. I don’t eat food in order to gain … [Read more…]

Being Alone Without Being Lonely

Last year on Valentine’s Day I was really down. For the second year in a row I was single. I was alone, and I was lonely. I think a lot of people without significant others feel this way on Valentine’s Day. What people often forget, however, is that Valentine’s Day is basically a highlight reel … [Read more…]

I Don’t Have Motivation… For THAT

Sometimes it’s easy for me to work 10 hours straight. I’ll write two blogs posts, record and edit two videos, lift weights, put in a training session for juggling, spend an hour studying Spanish, and it’ll still only be 6 P.M. Other times I’ll struggle to do anything, and by the end of the day … [Read more…]

Why Your Life Is Awesome, But You’re Still Depressed

We’ve got an interesting scenario today. You’re producing great results in your life, and from the outside looking in it looks like you’ve got it all. You recognize this, and believe you should feel good, but at the same time you still experience primarily negative emotions. Why? Well, there’s several different approaches we could take … [Read more…]