Doing What You Don’t Feel Like Doing

My school had a late start today, but I didn’t. While the majority of people were laying in bed, I was training and aiming to become .01% better at juggling. Though I don’t even play soccer anymore, I went to practice after school for sprint conditioning, and to maintain social momentum. After a poor night … [Read more…]

Feeling Inferior Is Stupid Sh!#

You are the sum of the five people you spend the most time with. It’s been said over, and over. Yet, many of us continue to surround ourselves with inferior people. (Inferior is subjective as you could argue people have inherent value simply by being human beings, but for the sake of this post we’ll … [Read more…]

Everything Is Obvious To You

Earlier this year my motivation for creating content was at an all time low. I still managed to produce regular content, but it was out of obligation rather than for the love of doing so. I felt like this self-improvement business was a big waste of time. I felt like everything I wrote was just … [Read more…]

Are You A Victim?

Have you been victimized? Are the credit card companies charging you an unfair interest rate? If so, let me negotiate your debts down to nothing so you can live the life you deserve! Has your no good skank-whore-trash girlfriend cheated on you? Are you a victim? If so, let me teach the easy foolproof method … [Read more…]

How Entitlement Impacts Charisma

All of us have experienced a social situation where we were the life of the party. A time when you were socially savvy, confident, witty, and everyone wanted to be a part of your reality. On the other hand, all of us have also experienced a time when we were trapped in our heads, unable … [Read more…]

Don’t Hate On Other People’s Problems

Remember when you were a kid, and you got cut from the basketball team? Or when the girl you had a crush on in middle school didn’t like you back? Looking back you probably see your childhood problems as trivial, but at the time you probably felt real low, perhaps even depressed. Yet, most adults … [Read more…]

Be A Giver

I’ve been very conscious during my social interactions the last couple days and I’ve noticed a disturbing theme. People spend a disproportionate amount of time talking about themselves. Also, when other people are talking they rarely give them their full attention. Most people are simply waiting for their turn to talk again, and of the … [Read more…]

Small Decisions Produce Large Results

The Butterfly Effect If you’ve ever been a fan of sci-fi movies you’ve no doubt heard about the butterfly effect. In essence, the butterfly effect states that time travelers need to be extremely cautious as the killing of even a single butterfly could have massive implications on present day. Of course time travel isn’t yet … [Read more…]

Time To Get Serious

I remember playing video games with my friends when I was little. Back then my entire life revolved around video games, and because of the sheer number of hours I’d put into them I always ended up beating my friends. To make things more fair I’d often handicap myself against them. When we played Fifa … [Read more…]