How To Attract Abundance When You’re In A Scarce Reality

Do we live in a world where the rich get richer and the poor get poorer? No doubt. But don’t we also live in a world with an incredible amount of rags to riches stories? For sure. However, this brings up an even more important question. What’s the difference between the poor man who keeps getting poorer, and the poor man who creates an abundant reality for himself?

Appreciation. You’re going to find attracting abundance into your life extremely difficult if you can’t appreciate what you already have.

The universe is a lot like a girl you have a crush on. If you’re constantly bugging it for attention, and desperately begging it to answer your calls you’re probably not going to get an answer. On the other hand if you can appreciate what you’ve already got, and you don’t need anything from it to be happy you’ll quickly find it answers your calls.

Now here’s the key. Abundance may attract more abundance, but the definition of abundance is subjective. You may think a salary of $25,000 a year is chump change, but it’s still probably way more than several families from Africa make combined.

By learning to appreciate what you’ve already got you’ll actually be adopting a mindset of abundance in the process.

That’s Great, But When Do I Actually Make The Big $$$?

Here’s the thing, while adopting a mindset of abundance is beneficial it won’t magically add money to your bank account. You still have to take action, and hustle.

Fortunately adopting a mindset of abundance guarantees you’ll generate much less internal resistance to taking action. It’ll still require hard work and effort to write blog post after blog post everyday for months before you build an audience and the first dollar pours in.

However, if your actions align with your values and you have an abundant mindset you’ll find the whole process seems to naturally flow, and you’ll quickly find more abundance manifesting in your life.

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