Why I Blog

I’ve only been blogging for about three months, but I absolutely love it.  It’s the most fulfilling work I’ve ever done and I couldn’t see myself ever quitting.  Here’s a few reasons why.

Blogging Holds Me Accountable

Whenever I want to make a change in my life there needs to be a why.  There has to be a reason for why I do what I do.

Blogging helps motivate me because I’m no longer makes changes simply for my own benefit.  I’m a public figure and it’s my responsibility to inspire others to do their best.

It’s my responsibility to show others that regardless of how bad your circumstances may seem, it’s possible to overcome them.  If I did it you can do it.

Knowing that there’s a whole world out there watching everything I do is the ultimate motivator.  I couldn’t live with myself if I failed to use my power to positively influence others.


Every time I write a blog post I’m examining my beliefs and the logic behind why I do the things I do.  Blogging helps me clarify my thoughts and delve deep into my subconscious.

It allows me to question beliefs I wouldn’t otherwise question and assists me in discovering the life values I consider truly important.


Although I’ve yet to attract a large audience to my blog, I’ve already met several interesting people through it.  These people have challenged me to think in ways I’ve never thought, as well as directed me to resources I wouldn’t have otherwise found.

I’m excited about the connections my blog will generate going forward.  The people who read my blog tend to be very unconventional thinkers.  I love talking to people with unique views of reality because they always seem to provide me with wonderful new experiences for personal growth.

In the future I could see clients finding me through my blog and booking me as a public speaker or performer through my blog.

Helping Others

I think the biggest reason I blog, however, is to help others.  I’m able to use my unique life experiences to help others think in ways they’ve never thought.

There’s nothing I find more rewarding than being able to inspire and motivate others to chase their dreams and do the things they’ve always wanted to do.

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