Cut From Another Cookie

Humans have approximately 99.9% identical DNA, yet for some reason everyone seems to think they’re “cut from another cookie.” It’s a universal excuse, but it’s not a valid one.  Logically most people would agree that for practical purposes, we all share the same genetic potential in almost every field except perhaps professional sports. From a … [Read more…]

Spiral Staircases

I’m sitting in my basement trying to write.  My mind is blank.  It’s interesting how we can make something as simple as writing difficult.  Often we know the first logical action to take when working towards a goal, but for some reason don’t take it. When I first sat down to write I had one … [Read more…]

Compared To Who?

As human beings, it’s natural for us to compare ourselves to others.  The way we look, the way we walk, the way we talk, whatever.  I’m not sure you can consciously choose to stop comparing yourself to others nor am I sure it would even be beneficial to do so. What I do know, however, … [Read more…]

Never Miss Two Consecutive Days

Most habits are relatively easy to maintain if they’re done everyday.  However, because of the chaotic nature of life you’re going to occasionally miss a day. Something I’ve noticed in my life is only getting off track for a single day isn’t a big deal.  It’s the second day that’s killer. A couple years ago, … [Read more…]

Arbitrary Future Dates

It’s funny how every year people decide they’re going to start exercising January 1st.  They claim that starting January 1st they won’t eat a single serving of unhealthy food. But almost everyone who begins a new diet on January 1st breaks their New Years resolution.  Why? For one, they set goals that are initially too … [Read more…]

The Right Thing Is A Must

The vast majority of times we know what we should do.  But often we just don’t do it.  And because we don’t like to admit being wrong, we find lame excuses to justify why we don’t do the right things. It’s been said that we tend to get pretty much whatever we settle for.  Which … [Read more…]

Quality Questions

One of the greatest lessons I’ve ever learned came from a speech by Tony Robbins.  In Tony’s speech he really emphasized the importance of the questions we ask ourselves. Our brains create answers for whatever questions we ask them. The difference between successful people and average people, is successful people ask better questions. Successful people … [Read more…]

Habits With One Percent Payoffs

It’s relatively easy to break habits when you’re certain they’re bad for you.  It becomes much more difficult, however, to break habits that are negative ninety-nine percent of the time, but occasionally produce positive results. For example, many people are addicted to Reddit.  For every hundred articles you read there, ninety-nine may be a waste … [Read more…]

Why Over Promise?

Most companies over promise and under deliver.  It’s not uncommon for a company claiming to have the world’s best customer service to take 2 weeks to answer their emails. In my own life I recently promised my youtube subscribers I’d have my latest video up by Friday.  I figured it was a reasonable estimate, but … [Read more…]

More Hours vs Productive Hours

The obvious solution to getting more work done is working longer hours.  Simply working more hours, however, usually isn’t the best solution. It’s been said the average employee only spends 25% of their time doing productive work.  In a 40 hour week that amounts to about 10 hours of productive work. If an employee was … [Read more…]