Public Acountability

In less than 24 hours I’ll be on stage performing my juggling act in front of hundreds of people. I have no prior performance experience aside from a brief volunteer show at a local nursing home, yet I’m not nervous. I’m excited. In the past I’ve had lots of opportunities, but failed to capitalize on … [Read more…]

My Worst vs Your Best

It’s been a rough day.  I’m tired, grouchy, and disappointed in myself.  I feel unmotivated. I can’t think straight and I’m emotionally numb.  I feel like things are never going to change and that nothing has a purpose. Logically I know this mood will pass, but in the moment it seems as if it will … [Read more…]

Why I Blog

I’ve only been blogging for about three months, but I absolutely love it.  It’s the most fulfilling work I’ve ever done and I couldn’t see myself ever quitting.  Here’s a few reasons why. Blogging Holds Me Accountable Whenever I want to make a change in my life there needs to be a why.  There has … [Read more…]

Hidden Time

Lately I’ve been struggling to find time. Between school, juggling practice, blogging, lifting, and club soccer I’ve forgotten the definition of free time. On an average day I’ll wake up, go to school, come home, eat a snack, practice juggling rings and clubs, head off to soccer, come home, practice juggling balls, and then attempt … [Read more…]

How To Get Out of a Slump

Stop feeling sorry for yourself.  Self loathing accomplishes nothing, and will only prolong your slump. Accept responsibility.   Recognize that you’re the one that dug yourself into a hole and you’re going to have to be the one to dig yourself out. Realign your priorities.   Often when I feel like life’s getting away from … [Read more…]

Think Before You Speak

When I was little I was told to always think before I spoke.  That may be good advice for young children, or business relationships, but it doesn’t work well for socializing. When you’re constantly censoring yourself and thinking about what you’re going to say, you tend to have conversations in a very conservative manner. The … [Read more…]

Anti Role Models

When I first became interested in personal development one of the reoccuring themes I noticed was the importance of finding a role model. I heard that the quickest path to success was to find someone who had already done what you wanted to accomplish.  That’s good advice. However, I’ve found that in my life there … [Read more…]

Experts Learning From Beginners

My best friend and I are at my house making smoothies.  I feel confident telling her I’m the smoothie master as I’ve made hundreds since becoming vegan. So we’re adding the bananas, the orange juice, the berries, the spinach, all the good stuff.  Then we’re waiting for them to finish blending. They finish and she … [Read more…]

Everybody Wants Something For Nothing

Everybody wants to look good, but nobody wants to hit the gym. Everybody wants to be a millionaire, but nobody wants to hustle. Everybody wants to be a professional athlete, but nobody wants to go to practice. Everybody wants be brave, but nobody wants to face their fears. Everybody wants to be successful, but nobody … [Read more…]

Dreamer vs Doer

The dreamer imagines one day changing the world, but struggles taking action in the present moment.  He sees not the negative aspects of society, but the great potential it has.  The dreamer focuses not on what is, but what could be. The doer on the other hand thinks less of how the world could be … [Read more…]