What To Do After Relapsing

Let’s be honest, failing sucks.  Regardless of what your goals are, it sucks to fall short.  Everyone fails and though failure is never the goal, it can and should be viewed in a positive light. Let’s take the struggling drug addict for example.  It’s common to begin self-loathing after a relapse, but doing so isn’t … [Read more…]


All around me I see wasted potential.  I constantly hear chatter of what if.  I look in the eyes of my elders and see sadness and regret.  The sparkle I see in the eyes of children is absent when looking into the eyes of adults. I look at children and I see wonderful beings with … [Read more…]

The World’s On My Shoulders

Those who lack purposes will never be successful.  If there’s not a reason for you to wake up in the morning, if you don’t have a why for the things you do, you’ll never accomplish anything. This is why such a small percentage of are able to make their dreams become a reality.  It’s why … [Read more…]

Loving Your Body of Work

I’ve never paid much attention to it, but something I’ve noticed is that I’m absolutely in love with my work.  I’m in love with the things I’ve produced. I know I’m not as good of a writer as Steve Pavlina or Leo Baubauta, but for some reason, I find it more enjoyable to read my … [Read more…]

10 Life Lessons Learned From Pokemon

I’m not proud of the thousands of hours I spent throughout my childhood playing video games. I shudder to think at the things I may have accomplished if I funneled all the energy I spent on them into worthwhile pursuits. At the same time I don’t regret playing them either. Being a former video game … [Read more…]

30 Day Twitter Fast

I’ve long doubted the productivity of being a member of social networking sites.  I feel that for personal use they’re little more than a distraction, and that they’re ineffective for business purposes as well. I quit Facebook over a year ago and after several months of having no social network presence I created a Twitter … [Read more…]

How To Get Back On Track

Progress is not linear.  We all have days where we’re just not at the top of our game.  The problem is when one bad day leads into another and before you know it you’ve been running in circles for a month. Sometimes we dig ourselves into holes, but the thing to realize is that if … [Read more…]

Just a Few Minutes

I’ve gotten to the point where wasted days are a rarity for me.  Long gone are the days where I’d lock myself in my room and waste a weekend away playing video games. I’m happy to be past that, but I still struggle to use my time optimally.  I’m a lot more productive than the … [Read more…]

The Little Things

I was driving to my grandma’s house.  It had been a week since I cut the grass there, and because she’s getting too old to push the lawn mower I help her with the yard work. She keeps her yard looking respectable to the neighbors and I’m paid to help.  It’s a win-win situation. Normally … [Read more…]

Cameron Chardukian’s 2013 UGHS Variety Show Performance

As promised, here’s a video of my first public juggling performance. The performance was a lot of fun and a great experience. I’d like to thank you guys for helping hold me accountable, and without further ado, here’s the video proving I actually got myself on stage. [grwebform url=”http://app.getresponse.com/view_webform.js?wid=12610802&u=BS1kr” css=”on” center=”off” center_margin=”200″/]